55 year old man with ? Viral pneumonia in uremic encephalopathy and acute Pyelonephritis secondary to UTI with AKI and ? Viral Myocarditis

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.                                                                 CASE PRESENTATION:

55 year old man, working as a Maestri at Sukanapally presented to casualty at 8pm with the complains of
Reduced urine output since 12days
High colored urine since 12 days
Pain abdomen radiating to back since 12 days
Dyspnea at rest since 8 days
Cough with expectoration since 7 days 
Fever since 7 days
Drowsy and irritable since morning 
He works as a Maestri at Sukanapally near chityal. He got married to a farmer and has 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter. He haa been regularly consuming alcohol daily since the like 7- 8 years , he has been consuming around 90 ml of whiskey. He was an occasional alcoholic since 25 years prior. He has been smoking around 10 beedis per day since the last 20 years. 
He was diagnosed to be a hypertensive and diabetic 5 years back on visiting a local hospital for giddiness.
2 years back he was diagnosed with cva and the patient has been on Ecosprin AV and clopidogrel ever since. The attendants are unable to recall the side of weakness , though they tell us that the weakness gradually improved over a span of 10 days. 
Since 12 days he has been experiencing reduced urine output along with high colored urine. He also has been apparently experiencing pain in his right lumbar region radiating to loin since 12 days.
Also has been complaining of abdominal distension since 9 days and has been experiencing breathlessness since 9 days on exertion which isn't associated with pedal edema, chest pain, palpitations, sweating, nausea. His dyspnea was apparently sudden in onset and gradually progressive to a state that he started to feel breathless even at rest. He also has been complaining of productive cough since 6 days with scanty , mucoid and non blood tinged sputum. He also tells that he has been having fever with chills on and off which relieved on medications. He has been drowsy and irritable since morning. 
He was taken to a local hospital, Healthcare hospital where in he got diagnosed with Pyelonephritis, septic shock, AKI and ARDS. He was put on deriphyllin, Meropenem, Norad & Dopamine. 
His outside reports show a serial raise in TLC along with fall in platelet counts
Latest report from 21/8 - shows a tlc of 31,200 with a platelet count of 50,000. Sr creatinine of 4 mg/dl. Also urine reports of  Pus cells 10- 12 
Albuminuria 3 plus
RBCS 3 Plus 
At presentation 
His RR was 35 cpm 
Sats maintaining at 97 %
Grbs - 387
Bilateral pedal edema +
PR - 170 bpm
BP - 80 systolic BP
Temp - 99 F
Cvs - S1,S2
Lungs - reduced breath sounds in left IAA

His outside reports 

TLC - 16,600
Plt - 53,000
Sr. Creatinine- 4.3
Bl urea - 83
Cue showed 3 + albuminuria with 3+ rbcs
Hypoalbuminaemia - 2g/dl

PLT - 47,000
TLC - 11,000
Sr creatinine - 3.8
Cue - 10 to 12 pus cells
2-4 rbcs

Tlc - 25,000
Plt - 66,000
Sr creatinine- 3.1

Tlc - 31,200
Plt - 50k
Sr creatinine- 4
HRCT on 18
HRCT on 21

CT chest plain - CORADS 6
CT abdomen - from 19/8/20
Acute pyelonephritis 
Minimal ascites 
Right pleural effusion with basal consolidation

Day 1:  
Patient was given amiodorone 150 mg stat , 1 stat injection piptaz 4.5gm iv and continuous fluids


Blood urea:278
Day 2:
His heart rate and rythm have reverted

55 year old man with 
Reduced urine output since 12 days 
High colored urine since 12 days
Pain abdomen since 12 days
Dyspnea at rest since 8 days
Cough since 7 days
Fever since 7 days
Drowsy and irritable since morning 
His Problems : 
? Viral Pneumonia
Uremic encephalopathy 
?UTI leading to Pyelonephritis leading to sepsis , AKI
? Viral myocarditis 
K/C/O type 2 DM and HTN sincd 5 years
H/O CVA 2 years back



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